[The following is an email went out to all pre-registered riders.]
You've seen it.
This weekend is going to be tough. It is a day for hard men and hard women. It is a day for you.
We like to joke around about our event and ourselves, but bear with us here because we're about to get all serious.
Prepare well. Iron Cross was already going to be hard. A cold wet day will make it that much harder.
Temps are forecast for the mid-upper 40s and 70-80% chance of rain.
This is hypothermia weather.
Dress appropriately. Take more than what you need. You can always shed layers. You can't get more layers once you're on course.
Waterproof and warm is what you need. Do not underdress.
Some great advice I once heard is that when it is raining dress as if it was 10 degrees colder than the air temperature. In this case you'll be dressing for winter riding. Mid to upper 30s. Wet.
You'll be out there for 4-7 hours.
Be sure you are staying on top of nutrition. In these conditions it is vitally important to have the energy to keep moving and staying warm. You have to eat and drink to accomplish this objective.
Please watch out for your fellow competitors. Pay attention to what checkpoint staff are telling you, particularly medically trained staff.
Go get a space blanket and put it in your pocket or camelbak. A few years ago I did Breck Epic and it was mandatory to carry a space blanket the whole week. They are cheap, small and light and will fit easily onto your person. If you don't need it perhaps someone else will.
Get dry and warm after the race. Bring plenty of warm clothes, waterproof gear, umbrella, etc.
4-7 hours of riding in this weather should not be taken lightly.
Pine Grove Furnace State Park (copy and paste into your browser)
1100 Pine Grove Road
Gardners, PA 17324
Parking for the race is at Fuller Lake at Pine Grove Furnace State Park (PGF).
Registration will be behind the Iron Masters Mansion/Hostel at Pine Grove Furnace.
Both of these are very easy to find by following the signs once you arrive at PGF.
Look on our site on Saturday - www.IronCrossRace.com - for a map with updated parking and registration locations.

Registration and number pick up opens at 7AM and closes at 830AM
840AM - Racer meeting
850AM - Race staging - stage by expected finish time.
900AM - Race Start
We'll start serving food about 2pm at the Mansion. We're planning a bit of party and raffling off some sweet stuff after. And of course not only will we have awards for Iron Cross, but also for the ultraCX series! We are currently planning awards to start at 4.
The Start will take place in front of the Iron Masters Mansion.
Course Markings and Notes
The course is marked with black arrows on a yellow background. For every corner an individual arrow will indicated the direction of the upcoming turn. Two arrows as close as possible to in the corner will indicate the turn. One arrow confirming your direction of travel will follow the turn.
"W"/wrong signs indicate that you've gone the wrong way. Turn around and find the correct direction of travel.
You may also see yellow painted arrows on the ground to help indicate turns along the course.
The Courses split for the 100K and 50K a few hundred yards after Checkpoint 1. The 100K goes straight. The 50K turns right. This is well marked. Do not go the wrong way.
There are not marshals at every intersection. However, every intersection is marked with no less than 4 arrows and often is marked with 6,8,10 or more arrows and "Wrong" signs. We've seen a rider miss a turn that was marked with 15 arrows located within two feet of the road at eye level because he was making an assumption rather than following the arrows... Do not assume, do not blindly follow the rider in front of you. Keep your head up and you will get around this course just fine.
The course is open to traffic. Stay to the right. Ride with your head up. Keep yourself and your companions safe.
There is fresh gravel on some of the roads at about 10-15 miles to go on both courses. Be extra careful on the final major gravel descent with about 12 miles left in your race. You may find smooth freshly compacted gravel or it could be very soft. We will not know until we get there and conditions could change with traffic.
We are Strava-ing both Wigwam and Lippencote and maybe one or two more. You'll have a week to post your Strava segments. Facebook us so we know you have them up and if you used a 'cross or mtb on Lippencote! The winners get some stuff!!
Sponsors are awesome.
NoTubes, Hammer, Toasted Head, Cannondale and Lone Wolf Cycling have been awesome. Go buy something from them. Support those who support your sport.
10th Anniversary Kit
Speaking of Lone Wolf - they made up an awesome 10th Anniversary Iron Cross kit. Check it out! Orders will be taken until the Friday after Iron Cross via their site.
Alcohol Policy
Toasted Head is taking care of us at the Mansion with some fantastic wine. BUT, alcohol is not permitted anywhere else in the park, not even concealed. This is vital to the future of IC within the park.
For those camping or staying at the Mansion.
Check in is Saturday from 5-9pm. Check in for both the camping and the mansion at the mansion. Look for Zach or Joe.
Check out is 9AM.
Look for more updates on Facebook and the website.
Tell your friends to come cheer you and your competitors on! There are great places to spectate and I'm sure everyone will appreciate a little extra cheering in this one. If you can ride it they can stand in the rain and cheer you on!
Come prepared for what is coming.
Travel safely.
We'll see you on Sunday morning.
Mike, Zach and the Gang