IC Breakfast by Friends of Pine Grove Furnace State Park (& Friends)
6:00-9:00AM Iron Cross Morning!!
$5 per person (whata bahgan!)

Sunday morning Iron Cross Race Day Breakfast this year is being provided by the Friends of Pine Grove Furnace State Park! From the beginning, Pine Grove Furnace State Park has been the home of Iron Cross, and this is a great way to get an awesome breakfast and support activities and improvements at the Park at the same time! Proceeds from the Iron Cross breakfast will be used to support activities by the Friends of Pine Grove Furnace State Park.
- Breakfast Sausage from Wenger’s Meats and Ice, a great local butcher shop in Carlisle
- Pancakes!
- Granola from Nuts About Granola of York—these ladies are so good, they were invited to the Emmy Awards!
- Oatmeal
- Fruit
- Tasty, tasty Joe from Green Mountain Coffee
- Milk, hot tea, hot chocolate and OJ
Breakfast is $5 per person. Additional donations are welcome. For a measly five-spot, you get all that yummy goodness above! Eat up!
This is all possible due to the kind support of Wenger’s Meats in Carlisle www.wengermeats.com, Nuts About Granola of York www.nutsaboutgranola.com, Green Mountain Coffee, Karns Food Store in Boiling Springs, and Giant Food Stores of PA.
The Friends hope to see you at the Fall Furnace Fest at the park the weekend after the race (Saturday and Sunday October 16-17, starting at 1 PM each day)! Enjoy fun Fall activities amidst the beauty of Pine Grove Furnace State Park.
The Friends of Pine Grove Furnace State Park formed in June 2010. This formation was to provide volunteers additional outlets at the park and surrounding forest through which to contribute to the conservation and preservation of the park and its resources.
Friends formed as a chapter of the Pa Parks and Forests Foundation (PPFF). PPFF is a private, non-profit organization that works to develop resources which complement the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR).
Mission Statement
The Friends of Pine Grove Furnace State Park exists to keep history alive and promote the educational and recreational programs of the park and surrounding areas through special events and trail development while protecting the park’s natural resources.