A new start location for the original ultra-cross is in the works and following on is a new course layout. Riders who have taken on the challenge in the past will see many of the same features that have made IC the race it is but in a slightly different arrangement. Some of those who have been with us the longest may recall a course feature or two long lost as they circumnavigate the northern reaches of the Michaux State Forest at this year's event.
Purple = loop 1, Yellow = loop 2. Maybe. |
The new start will simplify the course checkpoints and your fueling needs as you will pass back through the start/finish at about the midpoint of the race. This will allow you to stock everything you need at this central location and offer the opportunity to drop unneeded gear or switch out hydration packs easily in the midst of the event. And there is a safety component to the new start location for you and us as communication and transportation between the checkpoints at the far reaches of the course and the center will be more reliable, easier and faster. That is the sort of change you probably won't even see or note during your ride around the Michaux forest, but it the sort of the change that makes the event better.

We're excited by the changes and we like where this is going. We hope you do as well. September 29, 2013. Michaux State Forests. Iron Cross XI. The original in its 11th year.
One last change of note, our co-promoter from the last few years, Zach Adams, has moved on in order to launch more great events and he'll be missed - though we hope we'll only miss him "behind the scenes" and that he'll be making a run at Iron Cross himself this year and be part of it once again from a new position.
Ready or not, here it comes.
Look for general registration to open soon. Those of you who've pre-reg'd with us before keep an eye out for something in your email in the next few days.